To release an unwanted love

To release an unwanted love

* two black candles

* one candle to represent the person

Do this during waning moon.

Take your athame in your right hand and the candle in your left, reach out to the sky and say:

‘Goddess of the Moon, Mother of all, Creator of Life, I ask of thee to bless this candle in the name of…..’

Put the candle in the candleholder and light it.

Say: ‘God of the Sun, Horned Consort of the Goddess, Ruler of the day, I ask of thee to bless this candle in the name of …..’

Reach to the sky with the candle in the holder in your hand and say: ‘With this candle blessed in the name of …… I command that he does not see me with the eyes of love but now with the eyes of friends. In the Goddess name I ask. Blessed be.’

Close the circle, blow out the candles but let the candle representing the other person burn out.